Over 70% of investors do not feel confident about their financial future, and over 90% feel stressed and overwhelmed by the decisions they are facing as they plan for their financial futures. There is a distinct possibility that you were once in this category and you were referred to our office for help. As we learn more about our friends and neighbors struggling with these important decisions, we have come to realize that we have not done a good job of educating our clients about how to refer a friend or loved one they are concerned about to our practice. We want you to know that we make the personal referrals from our clients our top priority, and will do everything we can to find a convenient time for them to come in for a consultation. Referrals are the only way we grow our business. We hope the information provided below is helpful.

Why Refer Someone To Our Firm?
The Hogan-Knotts Financial Group is dedicated to helping a select group of client-families make smart money decisions and solve their financial problems. Our focus is to guide clients to reach their financial goals by creating and implementing documented financial “roadmaps”, with quarterly meetings to monitor their progress, and keeping track of their financial details to ensure “peace of mind”. We work with our client’s to help them become stewards of their financial futures.

How To Make A Referral
We would not expect you to “sell” us to anyone or expect you to even know if a friend or acquaintance of yours could really use our services. However, if in conversation concerns about college costs, approaching retirement, estate taxation or investments come up we would be grateful if you would mention that you work with us, and that getting advice and stewardship guidance from a professional might be helpful for them. You might say something like, “I have no idea about your financial circumstances, but you might want to give these guys a call and see if they might be able to help you. Just mention my name and that I would be happy to meet with you just to talk.” You could also hand them one of our bookmarks that has our contact information on it, direct them to our web site (www.hkfg.biz), or have them call us on our toll free line at 1-800-801-3190.

To put your friend’s or loved-one’s mind at ease, you could also mention, “These guys are professional, credentialed (CFPs®), and best of all – not employed by any securities broker-dealer. They work for themselves; the relationship is fee-based; and it's not transactional like most of those brokers out there who only get paid when you buy or sell something!”

Before they arrive at our office, we have found that it works best for you to call us first, and help us to understand in advance any particular concerns that they may have. Of course, you can always call us for your friend or loved one and make the date yourself, then come to the meeting with them to make a personal introduction. No matter what, it is important to us that you feel comfortable making referrals of these important people to our practice, and we want to make that process as easy as possible for you and for those you care about. No matter how the referral is made, you should know that your personal financial circumstances will NEVER be discussed or revealed to anyone, including the folks that you refer (even if it is a close relative like a brother or a parent).

Resources For Making A Referral
We have bookmarks that you can have for passing out to your friends, family and acquaintances that have our contact information on it, and are helpful to give to someone after explaining that they should give us a call to set up a date. Ask us for a few bookmarks the next time you visit.

You can direct your friends, family and acquaintances to go to our web site (www.hkfg.biz) and enter their contact information themselves. They will receive a bookmark and a brochure about our firm directly from us, along with a follow-up phone call to see how we can help. This is a helpful option if they aren’t certain about making a date at this point in time, or simply want additional information.

Of course, you can always call us and give us the contact information directly, and we will put them on our mailing list for future newsletters and in-frequent commentary about urgent areas in financial planning.

For anyone you know who is not totally confident in their current financial plan, or who has concerns about their transition into retirement, this is a great opportunity to sort things out and create a new perspective on their finances. Please feel free to offer an hour of our time to someone you care about.